SCSC 2024 Sailing Fixtures - Link and details

Published 08:48 on 22 Dec 2023
SCSC 2024 Sailing Fixtures - Link and details
Our master list of events is at:
Also available on the Club website , underneath the 'Membership' menu option or via this link: is the carefully curated list of exciting sailing and social fixtures we plan for 2024.
In setting up these fixtures, we are extremely grateful for your support in the Galley, rescue RIB or Committee Boat. We couldn't do it without you and many thanks indeed for your support throughout the year.
For cruising we have devoted days on Bank Holiday Mondays where a safety boat will be in attendance. Of course, members can cruise at any time and practicing sailing, looking at the waterfowl, towing a toy boat to amuse junior crew, mooring-up for a cup of coffee or even anchoring for an overnight sleep aboard is available throughout the year.
For racers, we have the very popular Wednesday evening 'Hot Dog' series where, whatever your ability, you'll find a boat to tussle with. Saturday and Sunday afternoons tend to have fewer, but equally skilled sailors and if you are new to racing and fancy a trial, then a weekend afternoon could suit.
If, however you want to get stuck-in, then Sunday morning sailing with the first race at 1100 is hard fought. All members have equal rights to a space on the start line so please do feel free to join in.
In bad weather I tend to set myself mini-targets: launch and return close to the beach; get to the start line; start and do the first lap and then see how I get on. Getting on the water in less than perfect weather can be daunting but it also gives us a chance to experience mini-adventures and develop ourselves. There is no shame at all in launching and coming back to the beach. Occasionally I get the boat rigged, kit myself up and don't even launch!
Whatever your sailing aspirations for 2024, please look at the 2024 fixtures and try to identify some dates or events where you will get onto the water.
Your fellow members are here to help you so please do feel to get in touch if questions arise. There is a 'Contact' menu option on the SCSC website.
Last updated 14:14 on 22 December 2024