South Cerney Sailing Club Annual General Meeting 2024

Published 21:41 on 16 Oct 2024
You are invited to attend the Club's AGM to be held at the Clubhouse and via Microsoft Teams on
SUNDAY 8th DECEMBER 2024 AT 2.00 pm
The AGM will take place on 8th December 2024 and all voting members are invited to submit items for the agenda and stand for election by 9th November 2024. The Executive Committee will consider items and publish an agenda by 16th November 2024.
To assist with the AGM effectiveness, the Commodore's report, Treasurer's report, and last year's minutes (for approval) will be made available on the website ahead of the meeting. To enable members to vote by proxy we will activate an online voting form for various issues including next year's Executive Committee.
Should you wish to stand for election to the Executive Committee we have several vacancies and we welcome members to volunteer to help run our successful club. We have previously informed you that Blair Jamieson and Clive Whitehouse are currently undertaking the roles of acting Commodore and acting Vice Commodore respectively and are happy to stand formally for the roles at the AGM. In addition, Nigel Dibb is currently supporting the role of Treasurer and is willing to stand for this role at the AGM. Mick Inversi will have completed his 3-year term as Rear Commodore and therefore this post will be vacant. The committee would like to point out that the above information does not prevent any current club member from standing for election for these roles or any of the other Executive Committee positions. To see the full list of roles and current post holders, log onto the Club website and click through the links as follows: / Library / Members Documents / Executive Committee 2024 v 10 or click here
Moreover, current committee members have advised that they wish to stand down from the following roles creating additional vacancies:
- Rear Commodore
- Training Principal
Please submit any proposed agenda items and/or your nomination for a role on the Executive Committee, including an appropriate proposer and seconder, to the Hon. Secretary by email, by 9th November 2024, at the following address:
Please support your sailing club
Last updated 15:23 on 6 January 2025