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Home / Library / Duty Information and Training Resources / Galley Duty: Guide and Recipes
Home / Library / Duty Information and Training Resources / Galley Duty: Guide and Recipes

Galley Duty: Guide and Recipes

On this page you will find the how to guide for the galley operation, detailing how to use the equipment, till system and opening and closing tasks.

The briefing video for people undertaking Galley duty is available here: Galley Induction Video (2024) and the Handbook at also available: Galley Handbook.pdf.

The Daily Record Daily Record - 2024.pdf template its accessible via the hyperlink.

We have also attached the recipes for meals to be served in the galley: Recipes, Events and Quantities.pdf. If we stick to using the recipes available, we can make it clear to all using the galley what are the allergens present in the food they are buying. Note: this is now a legal requirement!

If you are on Galley duty, please do:

  1. Feel free to take home items with a imminent 'use by date', which is a more important instruction than the 'best before' date.
  2. Leave a notice if we are over or under-supplied with certain stock - email
  3. Check the freezer before purchasing items if possible (coffee, tea, biscuits are generally in stock, as they are purchased by the club).

In terms of deciding how much food to prepare .....

  1. First look at the sailing programme to see what is happening on the day of your duty. Also check the weather forecast, the better the sailing weather the more people.
  2. Ordinary Club racing which will normally be 2 back to back morning races followed by an afternoon pursuit race.

    Catering - Many people just sail in the morning then leave, some will stay for a light lunch so filled rolls/soup & bread, max 15 people
  3. Trophy Day; 4 races in the day, 2 back to back in the morning followed by a further 2 back to back in the afternoon.

    Catering - More people likely to stay all day though a number will go home after the morning racing. More people likely to stay for lunch.
  4. Open Meeting: 4 races with visiting sailors. 2 races back to back in the morning and a further 2 in the afternoon.

    Catering - liaise with the Race Officer/Event Organiser for how many competitors entered, when lunch will be and how long the break will be. Most competitors will have lunch, may also need bacon butties before event and tea and cake after sailing.
  5. Special Event e.g. Member's day.

    Catering - liaise with the sailing committee or Event Co-ordinator as to what is required.

It helps to ask people before they go afloat/as they sign on if they would like lunch and take numbers so that you have an idea of numbers to cook/prepare for. if extra food needed use whatever is on the shelf, in the freezer, or go to the Co-op in the village.

Keep it simple:-

- filled rolls/baguettes


- soup and bread


- sausage rolls and baked beans


- jacket potatoes and fillings ( choice of 2/3)

Any questions, please email Tiago at:

Last updated 14:14 on 22 December 2024

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