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Home / Club Boat Hire / Terms and Conditions Of Hire
Home / Club Boat Hire / Terms and Conditions Of Hire

Terms and Conditions Of Hire

Available Boats

The following boats are available for hire via the club website:-

Single Handed

  • Laser Full Rig
  • Laser Full Rig
  • Laser Radial Rig
  • Laser Radial Rig
  • Laser 4.7 Rig
  • Laser 4.7 Rig

Two Handed

  • 420 No 1
  • 420 No 2

The following boats are not available to hire via the website but may be available for hire with prior agreement of the club Bosun and/or executive committee.

Single Handed Boats

  • Topper

Two Handed Boats

  • RS Vision
  • Laser 2000
  • Laser 3000
  • RS 200

Damage / Missing Equipment

South Cerney Sailing Club endeavour to maintain club boats to a sea worthy condition but do not accept any responsibility for any damage or injury howsoever caused when hiring club boats.

Hirers are responsible for checking the seaworthiness of club boats prior to launching.

Members MUST report any damage, or missing parts, using the fault reporting process. If access to the club house is not possible members MUST contact the bosun (, 07788 299788) to report any damage or missing items

Maximum Wind Speed

Club boats MUST NOT be sailed in wind speeds of greater than force 4 as measured by the club weather station on the web site.

Club Boat Induction

Hirers MUST successfully complete a short induction prior to hiring club boats.

Insurance / Accident involving other boats

All club boats are insured for use on the lake.

In the event of an accident or incident involving another boat or person the hirer MUST immediately report the accident /incident to the club Bosun; Paul Kimmens (, 07788 299788) with as much information as possible.

Fair Use / Abuse

South Cerney Sailing Club reserve the right to remove hiring privileges from any member who:-

  • Does not comply with these terms and conditions.
  • Abuses the hire process.
  • Is negligent when using club boats resulting in preventable damage or excessive wear and tear.

Further Information

If you require further information please contact the Bosun; Paul Kimmens (


Last updated 07:38 on 15 April 2024

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