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Home / Events / Taster Morning - Come and see us. Try sailing or SUP
Home / Events / Taster Morning - Come and see us. Try sailing or SUP

Taster Morning - Come and see us. Try sailing or SUP

12th July, 10:00 - 13:00

Further details to follow.

Organisational notes for this event are:


  • Blair drafts and Sam finesses the flyer/ handout to be done sooner rather than later. Blair to print hard copies. Flyer to reflect water activities are available so bring a towel etc
  • Blair posts the event to the SCSC newsletter and SCSC social media channels to recruit our members.
  • Sam posts the event to local newsletter/ social media channels nearer the time.
  • William provides a summary of club membership fees so we are all armed with key data visitors may ask.
  • Mac makes duty slots available on the calendar for this task so, tho' these are not club duties, we get the alert/ reminders that this is happening and can track where we have volunteering gaps, if any.

On the Days

  • Blair and could Andy Hobkirk be available to record prospective members on SCM, William to pre-brief/ train us up.
  • Club buoyancy aids are made available to support 12? people on the water at any one time. Welcome notice board up in clubhouse. General sailing books and magazines out on tables. Print membership rates from website and put on notice boards
  • We make club boats available (Wayfarers), John H's + Peter H's Flying 15 to offer 20 minute dinghy sailing slots. Helms are invited to be: John H, Gary, Jonny S & Malcolm J.
  • We make club SUPs available and Sam T provides a mini-SUP safari.
  • The galley offers tea & coffee so the Cadets are forewarned of the event and also keep a safety eye on sailors/ Sups briefed up by Tim B who is also available as a Cadet parent to inform on the Cadet sqn.
  • Coud Malcolm S open the Bar on these days?
  • Could Clive and Al act as meet & greeter and car park wrangler?
  • Could Jo work with Clive/ Al to allocate visitors to dinghies or SUPs (keeping a list of who goes to which dinghy at which time) and brief them on safety and where to wait etc? We used to have a 15/20min interval depending on how busy we were and 5 boats on the water. John's F15, 3 club Wayfarers, Sue, Bob and the blue one.
  • To accommodate this we used 2 shuttle RIBs, Chilli Pepper and Tangerine Dream, as they have the space, and they were busy.
  • Coud Vernon drive a RIB taxi to ferry visitors to dinghies so they don't need to spend time going to the beach/ pontoons. Could Mac be his crew?

NB: We ought to have both RIBs available so need a second driver and crew.

Last updated 1:39am on 9 March 2025

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