First Aid Training Course
Tony Jackson of Level 1 Consultancy & Training is coming to the club on Saturday 12 April 2025 to run a 1-day First Aid course.
Maximum of 12 places available. To date we have 6 bookings so if you are an RYA accredited instructor and your 3-year First Aid certificate has either expired or is due to expire during 2025 then this refresher course is for you! Any club member who wishes to obtain a First Aid qualification are also very welcome to attend.
Attendees who successfully complete the course will receive a Qualsafe-accredited workplace Health & Safety First Aid certificate together with a 'top-up' certificate which is recognized by the RYA it is not an RYA course per-se but covers everything (and more) that is defined on the RYA course syllabus. Tony has delivered similar courses at South Cerney SC and Whitefriars SC over recent years. Background info. about the course can be found at:
Cost is £40.00 per person (which includes a 'meal-deal' type lunch) and is payable when booking.
Nobody else is running such a comprehensive course at this price but we do need to fill all 12 places so that the club breaks even on costs. Book now by e-mailing our Training Principal, Malcolm James, at:
Last updated 5:35pm on 16 March 2025